Farmacología y Toxicología

  • ISSN: 2174-8365
  • Índice h de la revista: 1
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  • OCLC-WorldCat
  • Comité Internacional de Editores de Revistas Médicas (ICMJE)
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Evaluation of Disharmony Episodes of Private Burnside Pharmacy Institutions in Pune, India

Rahul Hajare

Consuming smelly food at the office desk can affect working conditions. Represents a substantial void in the literature both on corporate governance and international business. The new theoretical proposition of culturally determined agency has suggested. It builds on the recently put forward behavioral theory of corporate governance. This novel theoretical lens in corporate governance merges the under-socialized agency theory, as the dominant institutional logic in corporate governance of domestic firms, and the behavioral theory of the firm, which has probably the only theory of the firm that explicitly treats firms as complex social systems. Finally, three exemplifications of application of this new theoretical construct of culturally determined agency to the analysis of contemporaneous business issues in pharmaceuticals.

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